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20 min yoga fat burning workout

20 min yoga fat burning workout

Yoga is gentle on the ligaments of the body and yet it is not the motionless stretch exercise that many people think it is. More men are practising yoga than ever before and women and men are using yoga for back problems, core balance and strength and most importantly, fat burning.

You can do any given yoga routine and still lose weight but the wonderful thing about yoga is that you can pinpoint problem areas and thus get the most out of your workout. So why not try the following poses with your normal yoga workout or even on their own for an added fat booster? The poses can be done in any order and you can do the routine twice if you feel like it! Don’t worry of you don’t get everything exactly right the first time, just don’t put any stress on your ligaments and enjoy.


The dreaded plank! The push-up from hell! Actually a fantastic way to start or end your workout. For a start, the plank will kick start your metabolism. And it works on your whole body while creating a strong core and stomach. This in turn not only burns fat while resting, it also takes care of most back problems as a strong core will most likely result in a stronger back. And no, you don’t have to plank in weird places and upload the picture to Instagram. You also don’t have to hold the pose for hours, just do what you can and here is the trick: go a bit longer than you think you can, and next time it will be easier and easier to plank for longer. With planking I find that you can even do it more than twice during a work out. More regular intervals will make you an expert in no time rather than forcing your body and scarring you for life by creating an unnecessary fear of planking.

A nice combination to try is both the downward facing dog and cat pose.

These can be interchanged as your body doesn’t have to move a lot. Try to imagine breathing in through a straw and pulling the air into your bellybutton when facing down, breath in again when doing cat pose. Excellent for weight management and back problems.

Another two poses that can easily be combined is warrior one and warrior two. This might be moderately difficult but is great for building stronger muscles and weight loss or management. You can repeat the pose often as it is not intense on any muscles and yet gives you a killer work out. Feel your heart rate go up by literally just posing!

Kindly just make sure that you have a mirror showing your body if you work out alone. Getting hurt can happen even during a yoga session and a mirror can help limit the stress because you will be able to see if you are doing the poses correctly. Be safe and enjoy your yoga!

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