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Those of you who might be interested, you are welcome to join me in this challenge! I came up with a brand-new concept that will be including photos as well as blog posts. See for yourself!

1 10 of my favourite movies including a re-enactment photo of one of the best scenes

2 Travel bucket list and a photo of a local tourist attraction that you are able to visit

3 A favourite childhood memory and relevant photo

4 Top ten teenage songs that changed your life and photo of album or you singing

5 Anything that starts with an N

6 Colour

7 Scent and photos

10 Gratitude

11 Haiku

12 Comedy

13 Interview hacks or tips

14 Christmas preps

15 How to write the best happy birthday greeting and photo

16 City you love and photo that reminds you of city

17 Death

18 Product or place review

19 Bucket list (not resolutions) for 2018 or before your next birthday and photo of first task

20 Celebrity you have met or would like to meet


22 Real interview with someone

23 Book review

24 Date ideas

25 Short story

26 Alternative ending

27 Lost love

28 Recipe

29 Dear diary

30 How was this challenge for you? Did you learn anything and are there any improvements for future challenges?

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