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The Ghost at Amanzi

Vacations are so short and should be very special. Definitely not riddled with ghosts… Let me tell you about the ghost at Mount Amanzi near Hartbeespoort Dam.

First of all, the service was superb. We were checked in by the loveliest receptionist! Everything was explained beautifully and we loved our room. Going down to the dam was a dream and the warning signs about floods etc could not dampen our spirits. So we went to bed early as we had driven quite far to get there. We left the tv on some random channel (probably Discovery or something) and slept until we almost felt we overslept. I opened my eyes and that was when I noticed that the television was on Disney. I really enjoyed Disney Channel in my twenties but I feel I am kind of over it now… SO I asked my boyfriend why he preferred to sleep with the TV on the Disney channel. He did not… He also did not change the channel during the night, so who did? I was looking at him kind of funny fearing the worst, someone came into our room during the night! And that was when I noticed the handprint of a child on the mirror next to the bed. We took photos to compare the hand print to ours and I can assure you, the cleaning staff was amazing and friendly and they would not have let something like that slip by them. Also, the hand print did not match any of ours and was too small for a grown woman. I am convinced that it had not been there the previous evening… but anyways, we tested the way we felt about it and agreed that the entity was not harmful since we didn’t feel upset by it, merely amused. That was before I took a shower.

Bathroom was fabulous! Too small for the 6 beds in the room, I am so glad we were alone (well, as alone as we could be with our uninvited guest) and so I showered and soaped and enjoyed every moment. I got out and that was when we decided we needed to speak to someone about it. Now, writing a message on the bathroom window is easy and I know that hotel and guesthouse cleaning staff make an effort to clean the mirrors and windows every time a guest checks out. I saw a message on the mirror. It read, ‘get out’ in what can only be a child’s handwriting. It wasn’t very clear but considering recent events in that house it made sense that it was not my imagination. But the worst was yet to follow.

I will upload the photo’s soon and tell you about the rest of that Tuesday soon.

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