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Zelda's psychological lifehacks

I would like to share with you certain things that work for me. Please do not hesitate to mail me with comments or your own life hacks!

1 Keep a colour diary on excel and make it pretty!

I for example chose to colour all good to great days with pink. Days with alcohol or over eating are black and sad days white. I am proud to report that I have mostly PINK days! This method forces you to analyse not only your day but your life in general. More black days? Limit your alcohol intake by mixing drinks with soda water for example. It also teaches you that you are a survivor. You have survived every black or white day and you should be proud of yourself! Also, the end goal is to look for something good in every day. This teaches gratefulness and as we all know, to be grateful is to be content and this basically equals happiness...

2 When negative thoughts arise, I choose to think of my sister.

She is my female hero. Does she have thoughts like that? I hope not but in the same breath, I shouldn't either. Therefor I speak to myself as if I were my older sister. This demands a certain amount of respect in conversations with myself and thus almost completely eliminates bad thoughts. Be your own best friend!

3 Tired? Practice a hobby.

No, reading books is not a hobby. Never has been. Actively doing something, or collecting or preparing something, that is a hobby. Trust me, play the piano or sign up for that art class. Check how wake up the next morning!

4 Fighting? Imagine there is a camera on you!

The law in South Africa states that if you are part of a conversation, you may record it. So not only will you choose your words carefully and not get into trouble, you will have the evidence you need in case the fight gets bad. Use this information wisely.

5 When in Tibet... Do what the Buddhists do!

Yoga. Meditate. Exercise your mind and body without breaking a sweat! DO not let planking fool you, yoga is great for the body and the core but also helps you to get to know your body better. Meditating gives you better insight into your mind and life and can really help with depression as well as problem solving. To be honest, I started with less than five minutes of exercise a day. Whatever you do, take it slowly. Do not start with 2 hours callinetics because this will tire you and demotivate you. If you are like me, LAZY, or just tired, start small and gradually work your way up to a longer period of time. Just this week I had to set my alarm for fifteen minutes earlier in order to get ready for work on time with my new longer morning routine. And I love every minute of it!

6 Use positive words greatly! LOL

Don't be mediocre and say, that's nice. Never say nice. Say, "Well that is fantastic!" instead. Use words like Superb, awesome, amazing. Get your own set of words and be a positive change in your world!

7 Do something charitable.

Feel sad? Need a change? Take a small bag of dog food to a shelter. Make up a sweet package of toiletries and edibles and take it to your local old age home. Google for nearby orphanages and sponsor a child on his/her birthday. Little things like this will recharge you and make the world a better place. Keep a plastic bag filled with canned goods and toiletries and instead of giving beggars money, give them a plastic bag full of essentials they might not be able to afford. Stuck at home? Google Random Acts of Kindness. Just reading about other people being generous human beings will lift your spirits and hopefully inspire you.

8 To be continued!

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