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Easy Coffee Recipes

Some of you may know that I co-owned a coffee shoppe in the Freestate. Many people enjoy my coffee even though I am stingy in making it! Even if I add something that doesn't work (like Ginger...) I always try something new and will update this blog regularly Dv. I am keeping one recipe to myself, trust me this one is worth it and might just make me famous! Maybe a competition to see who can guess the three ingredients? Anyways,

here follows some very easy yet entertaining recipes.

*) Basic coffee

Boil milk on the stove, add a dash of condensed milk. In the meantime prepare the cups with instant coffee and maybe sugar, should you require it. Whatever you add to the milky basic coffee can vary depending on your likes and dislikes, but the condensed milk is kind of the secret ingredient...

*) Marshmallow Cappuccino

Add Marshmallows to basic coffee in cup, then only add foam or cream. Sprinkle with Strawberry Nesquick! Perfect for kitchen teas and babyshowers.

*) Caramel Irish Coffee

Add a dash of caramel essence and one shot of whiskey to basic coffee.

*) Best Chococcino

Add a teaspoon of coco powder to each coffee cup before adding basic coffee. Add a shot of whiskey and marshmallows and then cover with foam or cream. You may have to add more condensed milk as the coco has a bitter flavour, but I know many people who prefer the coco taste to the sweet chocolate taste.

*) Fun with hot chocolate

Basic coffee recipe, served with cream or foam, and a block of baking or melting chocolate for your guest to stir into the hot coffee. You can make beautiful moulds before serving with the chocolate and really treat yourself and your guests to a cheap but interesting hot beverage. The melting chocolate is not extremely flavourful so rather give a bigger piece than a smaller one.

*) Fudge Fun

Basic coffee recipe with a piece of fudge on the side. Your guest can stir the fudge into the coffee and experience the closest thing to butterbeer that any Harry Potter fan can wish for! Kindly note that the basic coffee has to be really hot in order for the fudge to melt properly. Add whiskey for more fun!

Just a little tip: If you are trying to make a latte, the best way to make multiple layers is to pour the milk into the latte cup and wait 30 seconds. The milk will settle a little bit but not too much and your latte will look like a Zebra that ran out of ink. If you want the latte mixed, pour the hot milk and immediately the espresso. Alternatively if you want just one stripe, add milk to cup and wait 2 minutes. This will settle the milk enough to make one straight line with the espresso. The latte will however still go out hot. If you are making coffee for more people than you can heat milk for, here is a tip: Heat milk and fill the cups half. Heat more milk and fill the rest of the cups. The coffees will get to the customer or guest still warm enough and you literally double the amount of people you can serve at once. Do not under any circumstances send out coffees two at a time!

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