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I am so pretentious, I read a book with ‘subtitles’.

A Clockwork Orange. By A Burgess.

Ok maybe it was not subtitles but still, most of the language is a type of Russian Slang. I still think it was absolutely worth it, since the book is semi-autobiographical but written from the OPPOSITE perspective! Burgess lost his wife to violent criminals and yet he chose to write a sci-fi book about the way we treat criminals. A Clockwork Orange asks the question many sci-fi novels ask: What would you do if… what would you do If the government had a great plan to combat violent crimes? Eliminating violence from society but in the interim the criminals partaking in this study are left without protection. You would think that the criminals deserve it, but the book ends on a low note. A prediction if you will, with regards to the future. Yes, paging to the back constantly might annoy you but if you are a fan of sci-fi, this is one of the must-reads!

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