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Popular Facebook posts and their real meanings:

* Stop sending me game requests!

I am really addicted to gaming but just too shy to admit that my gaming habit is the reason I was fired from my previous job.

My boss is one of my Facebook friends and I cannot get the most out of my gaming time because I have to hide the fact that I am never not online I’m only on here to stalk my ex, you are wasting your time

* Mr Bean discovered dead in his apartment!

I am really looking for a great pyramid scheme to get involved in. 

Anyone looking to sell their DOTCOM stock?

* People make me so angry!

I’m only on here to stalk my ex but I have to leave something or else my ex might get suspicious.

I am actually constantly making other people mad by doing the very same thing but now it happened to me and I am freaking out on social media about how unfair other people can be. 

*No more drugs!

(Do not congratulate this person. They are most likely complaining beacuse the drugs are finished.)

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