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I gave up success to be succesful

I gave up my high paying job to work myself

This is not a success story in the traditional sense of the word. I am definitely not earning as much now as I used to earn when I worked full time for a retail outlet. I measure ‘success’ on a different scale these days and it has changed my life for the better.

I used to consider that climbing the corporate ladder will lead to success. I have had many jobs with different large companies within South Africa and even if I didn’t use the product myself, I could sell it to anyone. I have had managerial positions and I have been at the bottom rung of the ‘success’ ladder as well. My relationships always came second and even though I am female, the thought of being the bread winner in almost all my relationships boosted my self – esteem. Such silly little ‘accomplishments’ are not the true measure of a happy person and what is more important than being happy?

Funny enough but I cannot remember the last time I worried about money. That’s the thing with earning more than what you were used to, you quickly find yourself a slave to your adjusted salary. Give someone a raise and soon they are dependent on it every month. We do not save, we spend more. Buy a bigger couch. A bigger tv. But we still sleep on our grandparents’ bed that was used in the second world war. I have always felt it is more important to get a good night’s sleep than to be able to entertain people on an expensive living room set. You spend a third of your life on your back in your bed. You spend an hour or two in your living room per day. Your living room cannot help you to get a good night’s rest so that you may go to work tomorrow and thrive. Why do we think that money or status makes a person successful?

I keep a simple diary on an excel spreadsheet. I have 28 cubes horizontally aligned and limitless vertical rows. Each day I decide if I had a good day or not. 'Not so good' days are left blank and good days are coloured pink. You will be shocked at how little white cubes I have. I meditate and I jog and do yoga and try to eat healthily. After all, a stomach ulcer is going to force you to change your lifestyle or it is going to kill you. I wake up every morning next to the man I love and I will do anything to be able to keep waking up next to him until I won't wake one day. I am fairly certain that I am happy. If I am happy, then I am successful, and even if it is all just in my own head, that does not make it any less real.

What is success? I would like to challenge you to write down a few ideas you have about success. And change your life accordingly. Change your mindset, change your outlook, make a change where no one will be able to see it or touch it or use it against you. Become successful. You already have the tools. And you know what you want, so you know what you will need to become truly successful in your own mind. Wishing you happy thoughts until we meet again. Z

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